Славянск, утро 19 мая. переулок Индустриальный, 17. Южная окраина города, выходящая на гору Карачун, где находятся позиции украинской артиллерии и телевышка. В
http://proekt-gaz.ru/Slavyansk, May 19. Slavyansk, the morning of the 19th of may. Industrial Lane, 17. The southern outskirts of the town, overlooking the mountain Karachun, where the position of the Ukrainian artillery and the tower are. At 7:20 a.m. near the apartment building fell two shells, and one ruined the corner of the fence, damaging the pipeline, knocked out all the windows in the house. There were n old woman (grandmother), the father and the son (is a school student) inside.
(с) Andrey Krasnoschekov
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